Monday, 3 September 2012

OPI Black Spotted over Zoya it awesomeness or fail?

Hello lovelies,

I finally got my paws on the rare OPI Black Spotted and...I am sooo dissapointed :( It was difficult to work with, I don't like the effect in real life (yes I've tried over different colours) and is crackles. The crackles in the black areas really got to me. I just couldn't stand them!

It was also difficult to remove as it's not a typical nail polish formula. The same with clean up - it was hard to do a cleanup, it just wouldn't dissintegrate for a long time even with acetone.

I've applied one thin coat of OPI Black Spotted over Zoya Rekha and finished with Seche Vite topcoat.

What is your experience with Black Spotted? Good or bad?

Lucy's Stash - OPI Black Spotted over Zoya Rekha

Lucy's Stash - OPI Black Spotted over Zoya Rekha

Lucy's Stash - OPI Black Spotted over Zoya Rekha

Lucy's Stash - OPI Black Spotted over Zoya Rekha


  1. I'm glad you've told us it's a pain to work with - I was going to hunt this down by any means necessary because I LOVE the look but I won't bother if it's so difficult to use.

    1. Many say you have to learn how to use it and I found it difficult to have each nail the same. I guess it is possible to get the application just right buthow many ruined manicures would it take?

  2. Oh, man. I love the way it looks, but if it's that hard to work with, I'd be so disappointed!

    1. Maybe it's just me but the formula is nothing like nail polish, it's more like black water and I had to clean the brush properly because I had to use only tiny amount of colour. Really strange..

  3. I quite like it,it looks kinda cool but since it's hard to work with I wont buy it,thnx for letting us know :)

  4. I also really fancied this, but at the price, and how difficult it is to use and remove maybe I shall give it a body swerve! x

  5. It is a shame it's a pain to use but I still love the look ! I want this soo bad ! : )

  6. It looks fabulous on nails where it didn't crack! So vampy :)

    1. I must have applied it too early, I hated the crackles :((

  7. Oh but your photos of it look so beautiful I want it even more now! Glutton for punishment is me!x

  8. That's sad that it's so difficult to work with... But even with the removal issues, I still want it! It's just so gorgeous!!! I'd take it off your hands if I could :)

    1. I will be keeping the bottle Lauren because it's so hard to get. it will go to my 'precious' drawer :)

  9. This is a definite win! I love it. I'm not a huge black spotted fan but it looks gorgeous with Rekha!

    1. Well let's hope they'll do more colours and improve the formula then :)

  10. I think it's really cool looking, even with the crackles! :)

  11. I'm sad that it's such a disappointment. I think I still want it though. Maybe you should swap it with someone (wink, wink). :)

    1. I'm sorry to say I will be keeping the bottle because it's so hard to get. it will go to my 'precious' drawer :)

  12. That's weird, mine works great and does no crackles at all! I've heard it crackles if the underwear is not 110% dry. Might that be the reason for you?

    1. It will most definitely be the reason of the crackle Simona! I did wait a long time but I gues not long enough :-/ Thank you for your advice x

  13. I love the way it looks on the nail, but I'm sorry it was such a pain to work with :-(

  14. I have one on my way to me.. finally gave in. I think I just want to TRY it. I like the way it looks on you!! But I am glad you were honest about the crappy parts of it :)

    1. Fingers crossed you'll like it more. Leave the polish dry completely and use just a tiny amount and hopefully you'll be ok x

  15. I still want it but I can't get it anywhere :(

    1. I'm afraid the only way is ebay or asking someone from France to buy it for you (if it's still available) x

  16. The crackle looks weird. I like the rest of it though, very vampy!

  17. shame it didn't work for you :( I didn't experience any difficulties with removal, it was actually really easy and pleasant to work with :) and Simona is right - crackles appear when the base isn't completely dry.

    1. The worst for me was really when I wanted to do a cleanup around cuticles and it just didn't want to go away! I've used acetone and itt took lots of scrubbing around to remove it :-/

  18. You did an amazing combination though. I think this is one of the best looks I've seen so far with this topper. Luckily I'm not really a fan of it in general, so I won't be hunting for it.

  19. I totally regret having bought it... :( I have the same complaints as you, and I'm not that fond of the effect either. I guess I'll end up giving it to some friendm, just to not see it anymore sitting unused in my polish cabinet!

  20. I love the combo - even though Spotted is terrible to work with, I just love the effect. Your base must be really really dry or it will indeed crackle :(.

  21. I like it a lot and would love to have a bottle of this.

  22. See, I think that looks absolutely stunning :o I'm sorry that it is so hard to work with, though. I think I'd still buy it xD

  23. Definitely awesomeness! I love your combo. I think it's the best I've seen so far.

  24. It's gorgeous, very mysterious and vampish I'd say :D

  25. I think this mani look gorgeous, totally worth the hassle. great job! :)

  26. Oh, I want it so bad! How did you manage to get it?
    I've heard that it does have a bit of a learning curve, but you can get more defined spots by brushing over the same spot a couple of times. Also, the cracks only form if the nail polish isn't completely dry. Even if you have to put it on a day-old mani to get it to work the best.
    Oh, and if you ever don't want it, I'd love to trade :D

    1. I've asked another blogger who was in Holland at that time and they were selling it there too. I'm sorry to say I will be keeping the bottle because it's so hard to get. it will go to my 'precious' drawer :)

    2. I also have read let the base shade dry a full day before putting on Spotted. Also have read not to use a thick cover of base coat (like 3 coats is too much)

  27. love love love! i can't wait to use mine around Halloween with orange. i didn't find it difficult at all. you just gotta make sure you dont get globs on your skin, and supposed to use thin thin coats anyway makes me easier not to. love!!!

  28. It's one billion percent awesome!

  29. I love this look! The Zoya OPI combo is amazing!

  30. I like wearing nail polish, and hate removing them. This color is gorgeous. It's rich and deep and perfect for fall.

    1. I also hate to remove polish - no matter how good the remover, they all are drying. If I have time, I do an oil soak after remover/good wash with nail brush and decent cleanser. I try to always get some kind of hydration on the nails/cuticles soon as possible

  31. This. Is. Gorgeous. Great combo! I am expecting a bottle of Spotted in the next few weeks. I'll definitely have to remember that it's a pain to remove.

  32. Too bad you didn't like it; the pics look cool though.

  33. can you show us how you did this, because this would be awesome for halloween

  34. That sucks that it's hard to work with because it looks really nice!

  35. I tried it over a couple of colours and got cracking too.
    I hate it tbh, it's a big pain in the a*se

  36. I still think I would love to own Spotted! It's still pretty!

  37. Your nails looks awesome- but it being difficult to work with and remove is a bummer and not worth it!

  38. For me it is not a fail, I like it a lot, it is very vapmy!

  39. I think your swatches look great. It's definitely a difficult polish to work with I had a lot of the same issues, you can see my attempt (which isn't half as good as yours!) here:

  40. I have read that it's difficult - you got the thin, thin one coat part - but I have read also both ways...let the base coat dry major like over night...but then read one place that said apply Spotted when the base was still tacky and before any clear coat. I won't spend the $ to pick one up and get it shipped over to the US - have seen 'em go around $40 on eBay and many not purchased even...I think if this is going to be a good product, OPI is going to put it out in other countries as well as do it in other shades too...and if they don't ya know other companies are working on their versions already. So I can be patient vs tossing out $40+ Keep trying - I bet you will get it...and in photos here it looks great - love it when I have seen it over a deep red - also liked it over some shimmery reds I have seen too.

  41. This effect looks beautiful!!! Mine is bad! :(

  42. It is a best combo wiith OPI spotted I've ever seen! I have seen many swatches but only you made me want this little bastard. And now it is mine B-)

  43. I normally like the look of it over bright neons but I think it looks great how you've done it over the red. I have this but I haven't yet tried it on my nails. It sucks that you had a bad experience.

  44. Jestli jsem dobře pochopila, že se ti s tim dělalo blbě, tak teda na výsledku to rozhodně vidět není, máš to překrásné!

  45. It's a shame it's so hard to work with, because it looks amazing!

  46. I like this effect a bit better than the crackle. I still love the crackle but this is just a bit less bold and looks more smooth. Great colors!


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