Thursday, 2 February 2012

Nail Mail on my 2 year bloggiversary!

Hi girls,

I got a nail mail today so I thought I would show you :) it is also my 2 year bloggiversary today! 02/02/2012!!!

In my nail mail today I got OPI Nicki Minaj mini set so I hope I'll get to swatching them soon. I also got Fast Drying Basecoat, Nail Strenghtening basecoat, Top coat de Poshe, AHA cuticle cream and Polish reviver from Poshe. I'll be testing Poshe products for a while before I'll write a review. Thank you for them Alanna!

Also don't forget to enter my 2 year bloggiversary giveaway!


  1. Two years! Is today the actual birthday? Wow! Congratulations you, what a lot of time and hard work must have gone into this beautiful blog. Thank you for doing it! xxx

  2. Yayyy for nail mail! Happy blogaversary!

  3. happy bloggiversary!!!

  4. I've never heard of the Porshe products, looking forward to the reviews. I love the Nicki Collection, I have the entire collection but will giving the minis away during my 25 follower giveaway [if I ever get there]

  5. happy blogoversary to you! and keep doing what you're doing the way are doing it

  6. Super! Těším se na recenze;-)

  7. Great haul!!
    Happy blogversary!

  8. Happy Blogversary!
    I 'd really like to see swatches from the OPI set

  9. \o/\o/\o/

  10. Powdered Almond: Yep, 02/02/2012 was exactly two years anninversary :)

    Thank you all for wishes and lovely comments! I don't know why but the function Reply to the comment doesn't work for me :(

  11. I know, I'm late but I still wish you good luck and continue with this amazing blog


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