Saturday 6 February 2010

I've just received amazing Best Blog Award from my two friends AllYouDesire and Day loves colours. Guys, thank you so much for that, you made my day! Now - I have to post some of my favourite blogs and pass this award.

Prave jsem dostala uzasnou cenu Nejlepsi Blog od kamaradek AllYouDesire a Dayah. Moc vam dekuju holky, udelaly jste mi velkou radost! Dole je seznam blogu, ktere jsem na tuto cenu nominovala ja :)

These are the rules of this tag:
1. To accept the award, you must post it on your blog, with the name of the person who has given you the award, and a link to their blog.
2. Pass the award on to approximately 10-15 blogs that you have recently discovered and think are great!
3. Contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

So my favourite blogs are:
Divi makeup
Annie from Nalakovany Blog
Vampy Varnish
Body and Soul
Too much blush


Thank you for your comment, I read and approve all comments and I will try to respond as well.
Please be considerate and do not leave links in your comment. If you want me to check your blog please drop me an email :)

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