Saturday 13 February 2010

OPI Happy Anniversary and Konad

It's time to wear a light colour! Happy Anniversary is beautiful glittery, silver-white polish. Really hard to describe :) It stayed on my nails 4 days without any chipping which is great. I suppose it was because of the glittery consistence. On the top I've used Konad black polish and stamping plate m73.

Je cas na svetlou barvicku! Happy Anniversary je nadherny stribrno-bily trpytivy lak. Docela tezko popsatelny :) Na nehtech mi vydrzel 4 dny bez odlupovani, coz je podle me super. Myslim si,ze to bylo prave diky jemne glitrove konzistenci. Nahoru jsem pouzila cerny razitkovaci lak Konad a desticku m73.


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