Monday 8 March 2010

China Glaze Don't Touch my Tiara vs. OPI Didgeridoo your nails?

Hello everyone! Since my Uni finishes in 3 weeks, this is really busy time for me so sorry that I can't post so often now :(

Anyway, for today I prepared comparison between China Glaze Don't Touch my Tiara and OPI Didgeridoo your nails?. CHG is really not my favourite polish :( You need three coats for full cover and it dries sooooo long!( That's why I do have a bit of pillow marks on the polish :D )

Ahoj vsichni! Omlouvam se, ze ted moc casto neprispivam, ale za 3 tydny mi konci univerzita,takze mam prace az nad hlavu :(

Pro dnesek jsem si pripravila srovnani China Glaze Don't Touch my Tiara a OPI Didgeridoo your nails?. CHG opravdu nepatri k mym oblibenym lakum :( Pro plne kryti jsou potreba tri vrstvy a schne hrozne moc dlouho! (proto mam taky na par mistech otlaceny polstar :D )

China Glaze Don't Touch my Tiara:

China Glaze Don't Touch my Tiara and OPI Didgeridoo your nails? L-R OPI, CHG, OPI, CHG

And I just had to try what effect will create one additional layer of CND Crimson Sparkle :)


  1. Ta China má moc krásnou barvu, škoda jen toho nekrytí a dlouhého schnutí, to by u mě taky neprošlo :-(

  2. Peti, je to fakt skoda, jinak je to barvicka moc krasna :(

  3. A mě se stejnak víc líbí ten OPI :-) A mám ho doma jen proto, že jsem ho viděla na MB na tvojí fotce a totálně jsem se zamilovala :-)

  4. That is a great comparison!

  5. i love china glaze moree.. the color looks more bright on pic :)

  6. Blani, mne se taky vic libi OPI, hlavne pak s razitkama :)

    gildedangel: thank you, did it for you,guys :)

    ipehishere: CHG really is a brighter colour however you need 3-4 coats to have this nice bright colour :(

  7. I like china glaze because it's brighter. I would wear OPI on a stormy day. China glaze might take a long time to dry but it's worth it!! Besides OPP (oops meant OPI) look like china glaze mixed wuth a little black


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