Sunday, 4 April 2010

Happy Easter Everyone!!!

Picture spam!!! These are easter eggs I make so just to brag (:D) with some of my hand made products :) Happy Easter everyone!

Straaasne moc obrazku!!! Tohle jsou kraslice, ktere vyrabim, tak se jdu pochlubit se svymi vyrobky :D Vesele Velikonoce!


  1. Nevím, které vajíčko je hezčí, ale moc se mi líbí ty kraslice s provlečenou stužkou. Jsi neskuteně šikovná.

  2. WOW! You're quite an artist! O.o

  3. Ty jsou krásné a vkusné!

  4. Drop dead gorgeous! And difficult to accomplish because of the symmetry!

  5. Lucinko, to je nádhera! Vždycky si říkám, jak je možné, že máš ty nehtíky tak krásně vymalované - teď už to vím, máš obrovský výtvarný talent! :-)

  6. Thats amazing! Those are simply perfection.

  7. Luci, ty jsi fakt tak šikovná, to snad ani není možný!!! Nádhera...

  8. Thank you very much guys, it is a tradition to make easter eggs like this in Czech Republic :) Happy Easter!!!

  9. Wow they're all so beautiful! You're going to have to tell us how you make these!

  10. Wow! I have no idea how you do that, but it's just amazing.

  11. No to je krása! Jsi tak šikovná, já bych neudělala rovně ani čárku, žasnu tady ... i ty tvé brože, nechceš si na MB otevřít obchod? :D

  12. omg they're so gorgeous! i've never seen such pretty easter eggs before! all i ever see are the plain dyed ones

  13. Those eggs are beautiful - please share how you make them?

  14. Thank you all, I'm glad you like my easter eggs! I hope I will find some time soon so I can make a tutorial how to do these easter eggs :)

  15. These are amazing!!!!! I'm in awe of the attention to detail. Thanks for sharing, and I can't wait to see your tutorial! (not that I have hands steady enough to try it myself ;))


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