Wednesday 28 July 2010

Inglot 705 Matte collection

I've never came across Inglot product before as I didn't see it anywhere to be sold as it is brand from Poland.But once I went to London Westfield shopping centre and there was it - Inglot store. I was really excited as they are something like MAC. Lots of colours, tons of polishes and all the makeup artits' stuff.I was just impressed and like in heaven :) There were so many polishes I couldn't decide which one to buy. At the end I grabbed #705 from their Matte collection. Well, it is not really matte, it is more satin finish. The colour is rich and easy to apply and the brush is like other ordinary polish brush. I would compare it maybe to Color Club brushes.

Wear test: The polish has satin finish so there is no way you can use top coat. The polish was drying up very long time so even in the morning I had a bit of pillow patterns on my nails. It started to chip in about 12 hours and after 24 hours I had few badly chipped nails.

Overally, I don't like this polish too much as the satin finish looks just weird, colour didn't come up as nice as in the bottle and it doesn't last very long time :( I hope it is problem just at Matte collection.

Comparison between Inglot's satin finish, Essie Matte about You topcoat and China Glaze Matte Magic topcoat

 Nikdy driv jsem nic od Inglotu nezkousela, protoze jsem nenarazila nikde na jejich produkty, jelikoz je to polska znacka. Jednou jsem ale sla do londynskeho nakupniho centra Westfield a tam byl - Inglot obchod. Byla jsem fakt nadsena, bylo to jako v MACu :) Hodne barev, tuny laku a ostatni kosmetika. Byla jsem jak v nebi. Bylo tam tolik laku, ze jsem se proste nemohla rozhodnout, ktery koupit. Nakonec jsem sahla po laku cislo 705 z matne kolekce. No, popravde to neni matny lak, zaschne spise do satenova. Barva je krasne syta a dobre se nanasela. Stetecek jako u ostatnich znacek. Prirovnala bych ho tak ke Color Club lakum.

Test vydrze: Protoze ma lak satinovy povrch, nemohla jsem pouzit nadlak. Lak tedy bez nej schnul hodne dlouho a i rano jsem mela na nehtech otisknuty polstar. Zacal se loupat uz po 12ti hodinach a zhruba za 24 hodin jsem mela nekolik dost skarede oloupanych nehtu.

Celkove mi tenhle lak nepadl zrovna do oka - satinovy povrch vypada divne, barva neodpovidala barve v lahvicce a lak nevydrzel ani jeden den :( Jen doufam, ze je to problem jen u matne kolekce.


  1. Vypadá zajímavě. Škoda jen, že to není matte jako matte. Ani jsem nevěděla, že to je polský lak. Akorát vím, že u nás v Ostravě mají nějakou kolekci v nehtovém skladě.

  2. I also have an inglot matte polish the blurple one and I agree the finish is not totally matte and weird but it stays on my nails for a week w/o top coat... i think inglot should improve their matte polish or their polish collection.. have u try their breathable nail polish??

  3. An: Jj, pokud je mi znamo, tak Inglot je polska znacka. Bohuzel jsem ji nasla jen v londyne, coz nemam zrovna za rohem :(

    ThRiSzHa: No, I haven't tried that one, but I might as soon as I'll go to London :) And it's really weird that it stays on you a whole week! Incredible!

  4. Ten se mi teda ani trochu nelíbí. A ta výdrž je fakt tragická.

  5. Jari, souhlasim s tebou, urcite uz si z tehle matte rady nic nekoupim. mozna zkusim jiny typ,ale to si jeste hodne rozmyslim

  6. To je škoda, že není nic moc. Takhle to docela kazí dojem z celé řady už předem. A přitom jiný věci může mít Inglot fajn...

  7. S tim souhlasim a asi v budoucnu jeste nejaky vyzkousim,ale jak jsem rekla, z jine rady :)

  8. toto ma brutalnu farbu :)!! nadhera

  9. [color=#5588aa]Awesome post! thank you for sharing this information. really got under my
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