Wednesday, 25 May 2011

China Glaze Anchors Away 2011- Ahoy! Swatches and review :)

Hello lovelies! Firstly thank you all for your feedback on previous posts! I will keep the squared shape of my nails for a while. But I still have some older swatches which I have rounded nails on. So don't be confused with change of my nail shape post from post :)

China Glaze Anchors Away Collection didn't steal my heart but Ahoy! nail polish certainly did! Straight after I saw first swatches of it, I had to have it! I bought it in the set of miniatures so I will have few more swatches from Anchors Away collection to show you.

Ahoy! - Rich raspberry jelly packed with gold flecks. This is an amazing combination and I just love it! I will never have enough colours like this! It applied very easily and I've needed usual two coats for a full coverage. No basecoat and topcoat. Removal was ok, the gold flecks didn't cause a problem.

I'm really pleased with the formula of all polishes I have from this collection.

Natural daylight

Artificial light

Direct sunlight


  1. stunning! I didn't realize this one had the gold flecks, it's really nice!

  2. I didn't know this one was a jelly! ZOMG!!! I must have it!! :D

  3. So pretty, will have to keep an eye out for this one


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