Sunday, 6 November 2011

Layering experiments with OPI Muppets Divine Swine

Hello lovelies!

I couldn't resist and I played around with OPI Divine Swine. I layered it over two polishes and here is the first one:

Divine Swine ove Color Club Black. I applied just one coat of Color Club Black, one coat of Divine Swine and one coat of Seche Vite topcoat. It really reminds me of polishes like Revlon Facets of Fuchsia and Deborah Lippmann Bad Romance. Just beautiful!

This is a layering experiment with Divine Swine over Meep Meep Meep! I've used two coats of Meep Meep Meep! and one layer of Divine Swine.

Artificial light


  1. OMG DS over MMM looks amaze, I love it! Great swatches!

  2. Wauw so pretty! I really love the Muppet collection!

  3. Divine swine over color club black is just amazing !!

  4. bož je nádhera ....a hvězdy padly Lucíškovi :-D

  5. Obě kombinace jsou krásné, musím to taky zkusit :-)

  6. Slinty slint, ta první kombince mě dostala!

  7. wow! both of these combos look fabulous!

  8. I love both but my prefered is over the black. It's somewhat classical and ver very sexy ;) I think so :P

  9. Both are pretty but the black one is gorgeous! I just got a bunch of the Muppets collection and unfortunately can't really play with them until my clinicals are over :(

  10. Marketta at Pink Polish Addict, FashionFreak/Mihaela, ArtisticNailArtz, Cupcake: Thank you very much girls for your comments! x

    Luci, Peti, Dejni, dekuju moc, jste zlaticka!

    Miętówka, Miss L: thank you xxx

    Akuma Kanji: I prefer it too, it ir really beautiful!

    Pickle: thank you very much x

    Confessions of a Beautyholic: I want bunch of Muppets too! :D I have just two full sized ones :( have to get more...

  11. Wow, both combination are legendary
    I love them


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