Friday, 4 November 2011

Models Own Beetlejuice collection preview swatches :)

Hi everybody :)

Beetlejuice collection is finally available and I ordered mine...well I'm still waiting for it but one of my friends was so kind that she lent me her collection for few hours and I made swatches :) Yay!

This is a just quick preview of these swatches, one picture per nail polish. I will write separate post with review with lots of pictures about every polish, because they clearly deserve it! One picture is NOT enough! So here we go:

Golden Green

Pinky Brown

Aqua Violet

Emerald Black

Purple Blue


  1. Woot, awesomeness inside, you should have warned us! I have something similar to Aqua Violet and Emerald Black doesn't really speak to me. But the others are <3 at first sight!

  2. Ordered mine last night! I think my to favourites are 'pinky brown' and 'emerald black'. Very excited for mine to arrive and you are right, they definitely deserve more that one photo! xoxo

  3. These are gorgeous =).
    Unfortunatelly I could not order the whole Beetlejuice-set. I wanted the collection mostly because of "Pinky Brown". This one is sold out... But I ordered "Golden Green", "Aqua Violet" and "Purple Blue".
    Can't wait to receive them =) Especially now that I have seen your swatches.

  4. Simona: All of them are awesome! ;) I think I won't be wearing Golden Green but it will be good for nail art.

    Annie.n: yeah, they are awesome! Can't wait to receive mine (these were my friend's). Emerald Black is just awesome, you'll love it!

    Olivia: oh no ;( I know the Pinky Brown was sold out very quickly but they will get it at the end of November. At least you have the other ones, they are great too!

  5. Hey Lucy,
    I know that they will get "Pinky Brown" in the end of November, but the problem is that I don't live in the UK and the minimum order for international orders (my package goes to Germany) is 20 GBP, so I had to buy for 20 GBP polishes and pay 10 GBP for shipping costs. And that hurts a little. Maybe somebody will need "Aqua Violet", cause I ordered two of them =). So maybe I find somebody for a swap...

  6. Olivia: you know what? when they will have the Pinky brown in stock again and you will want it, just drop me an email and I can get it for you and resend it to Germany. it will cost you max. £5 in postage from my experience(£3 to my home and about £2 to germany) x

  7. That would be great =). I would send you then the money via Paypal (with the "Gift option"). I will email you as soon as "Pinky Brown" is available again ;).

  8. Olivia: No problem, jest let me know because I will definitely forget :D

  9. I thought you got them already, as someone (in the UK) was blogging yesterday that she got the package the day after she ordered. Thought all UK ladies were lucky that way. I'm still waiting for mine too

  10. Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty: I would think so too but I'm very unlucky with Models Own orders...the last one took three weeks. I think it's the pleace I live and crappy postal services :-/

  11. Ahh they look amazing, great swatches :) xxx

  12. Ajaj, Pinky Brown a Emerald Black jsou úchvatné!

  13. Golden Green and Pinky Brown are my favorite. Still, I don't think they'll convince me into buying them. Not right now... Thanks for the swatches!

  14. ASOS has a three color set (Emerald Black, Golden Green, Pinky Brown) for £10, free world wide shipping:

  15. Pinky Brown a Purple Blue...víc nepotřebuji :o) Ale problém bude se sháněním :( Jsou krásné, Luci.

  16. Oh my gosh I die for these! I have to have them!! XOXO

  17. Amy: Thank you <3

    rosaroja: naprosto souhlasim ;)

    nihrida: You're will be permanent collection so you don't have to buy now..maybe wait for the next 50% off promotion ;)

    Boruvk_a: Pinky Brown je ted vyprodany,ale bude to permanentni kolekce,takze v budoucnu muzes urcite nakoupit :)

    Polish Vixen Marisa: go and get them! :D :D

  18. Tak ty jsou úžasný, ještě že ten Asos posílá k nám, musím je mít! :-)

  19. Awesome! :)))))) I love them all, that's rare for me.

  20. Thank you thank you thank you! I ordered this as soon as they were online and can't wait to receive my package. I was wondering how they would look on the nail and now I'm extremely happy I bought them!

  21. Vážně Asos už opravdu MO laky posílá k nám? To by bylo super!

  22. PolishSis & others: thank you too, this amazing readers' response to his post is amazing and I thank you all sooo much!

    Dasi, holky na foru rikaly,ze jo,ale v minulosti pry nekterym psali,ze ne. kdyztak se ozvi, nakoupim ;)

    Particia: ou yeah! :D

  23. They are all so beautiful and unique


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