Thursday, 3 November 2011

Readers' request: Fall manicure with China Glaze

Hi everybody!

I had lots of you asking me to do a fall manicure so here it is :) It is nothing original or very creative, I muse just didn't kissed me that night.

Firstly I painted my nails with one coat of China Glaze Street Chic. Then using sponging I applied following China Glaze colours in a small patches: Westside Warrior, Cat's Eye, Brownstone.
After everything dried I stamped gold leaves with China Glaze Passion. The leaf pattern comes from Bundle Monster plate #BM04  To finish the whole manicure I applied one coat of Seche Vite. And all done!


  1. krasa! zajimave. a mozna i cerveny listecek by nevypadal zas tak zle. Mam Nfu oh - sem zvedavaaaaaaaa! zkusim asi az o vikendu!

  2. Oh! So beautiful. What great colours too. I really need to get more creative with my nails! x

  3. They are beautiful! xxxx

  4. GORGEOUS <33 I love it.. even though it's Spring here in NZ, I love that mani ^__^

  5. Úplně z toho na mě dýchl podzim, nádhera!

  6. Very pretty for fall! I like it a lot :)

  7. To se ti opravdu moc povedlo! Krásné :-)

  8. That looks fabulous!

  9. Oh my goodness these are amazing!

  10. That's a beautiful fall mani I think you did an awesome job!

  11. Zu: uz jsem tam nechtela placat dalsi barvicky, uz jich tam bylo dost ;) Ale souhlasim, ze cervene listecky by vypadaly dobre, jen bych musela vypustit par dalsich barev...a dekuju!

    Powdered Almond, rock-or-not, Pickle: Thank you girls <3

    Jen: Oh, you're lucky! we have winter coming up in England and I am sooo not looking forward to it!

    Dejnicka, viennettka: Dekuju holky, jen jsem tak zkousela, kdyz hodne lidi psalo,ze mam udelat podzimni mani ;)

    Anutka, Vyvy, Habbott2: Thank you very much, i really appreciate your comments x

    Girlie Blogger, ♥beauxs mom: thank you xxx

  12. Wow, this is great. I wish I would be as good as you in nail art =)!!


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