Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Lucy's Stash hits 1000 followers!

Hi everybody, I can't believe I just hit 1000 followers milestone! Thank you so so so much, this means a world to me!

I hope you will keep enjoying my blog, my pictures and my blabing ;) I just bought a new camera as my bday present so I hope my pictures will be only better :)


  1. Maybe I'm the 1000th *__* congrats!!

  2. Thank you lovelies!

    Ere: I'm pretty sure you are my 1000th follower ;) Thank you and hope you will enjoy my blog in the future

  3. I sneaked a bit through your blog and I totally love it! I'm sure I'll find gorgeous ideas so I'll be waiting for new posts!

  4. 1000 followers..that's something. Congrats!!!

  5. Congrats on hitting 1000 followers! thats a great accomplishment ^^ look forward to more updates and better quality pictures with your new camera <3


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