Tuesday, 8 November 2011

1300 Followers Appreciation Giveaway! [CLOSED]

Giveaway time!

I was over the moon when I checked my blog on Monday 7th Nov morning and saw 1301 followers! I said to myself...well this calls for another giveaway! And what would be a better prize than the Models Own Beetlejuice Collection!

Giveaway starts on 8th November 2011 and ends on 20th December.

Please note that I will be purchasing the polishes at the end of November when Models Own will re-stock the sold out shades. If there will be a problem and they will sell out again before I purchase them or the re-stocking will be delayed, I will be shipping the prize as soon as I purchase it. So beare with me if there is a delay.

Good luck!


  1. The whole collection is lovely, but if I have to pick three... Aqua Violet, Pinky Brown, Purple Blue I guess!

  2. Top 3 favorite polishes...Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure, Orly Space Cadet, and Sinful Colors Nail Junkie!

  3. Congrats on the biiig milestone! I already told you when you posted the first previews which ones really speak to me: Pinky Brown, Aqua Violet and Purple Blue!

  4. Moje 3 najoblubenejsie laky?
    Rimmel Flirty Coral
    Gabriella Salvete 121
    Golden Rose Grafitti Nail Art 08

  5. Just discovered your blog and it really inspires me! My 3 favorite polishes: Opi My Private Jet, Essie Lollipop and Essence Choose me.

  6. I missed out on Pinky brown, am looking forward to seeing everyones swatches!

  7. OPI Jade is the new black
    OPI Midnight in Moscow
    Rimmel Velvet Rose

  8. Hmmmmmmm... OPI OPI Ink, Gosh Holographic, and Orly Space Cadet?=DDD

  9. My favourite polishes:
    - China Glaze Tinsel Town! I just tried it, and honestly, I think I like it better than Ruby Pumps. Just.
    - OPI Tickle My France-y. Because it's my wedding polish.
    - Orly Rage. :-) xx

  10. So nice this giveaway.

    I'll try, cause there's somebody special for who I would love to win this collection. It's so pretty, especially Pinky Brown ;)

    Top 3:
    OPI - DS Coronation
    Make Up Store - Siw
    Models Own - Pinky Brown =)

  11. LA Color's Jewel Tone
    Kleancolor's Aurora
    WetnWild's black creme

    (i actually love to layer black creme with aurora on top)

    xyoulovekarlene at gmail dot com

  12. Heya hun! love this collection. i have you on my blog roll! love your blog xx


    Aimee Bradley abraley11@live.co.uk

    and iv tweeted xx

  13. Moje 3 nej laky? To je hrozně těžké! Je jich víc, než jen 3...(mám totiž ráda všechny ;))

    OPI - You're a Doll
    Collistar - Viola Glitter
    BarryM - Coral

    Giveaway je skvělá...tentokrát bych chtěla fakt vyhrát, tak uvidíme :D

  14. Awesome giveaway! My favorites are:

    Rimmel Zeitgeist
    China Glaze Emerald Sparkle
    Koh Blue Universe

  15. thanks for the giveaway!!

    OPI DS Glamour
    Catrice Dirty Berry
    Zoya Kelly

  16. My top 3 nail polishes of all times would be Nfu-oh 64, China Glaze BFF and Ozotic 505. <3

  17. my top three of all time (at least for this month): opi ink, cult nails living water, china glaze lubu heels! :D

  18. This is a great collection <3

    I can't really choose the best polish but I'll give it a try..
    My favorite polishes off all time are:
    1. ORLY Space Cadet
    2. OPI Mermaids Tears
    3. ORLY Ingenue

  19. My 3 favorite polishes:
    - Essie Van d'Go
    - Essence Walk of fame
    - Rimmel 385 Hot List

  20. My 3 favorite:
    Hard Candy-Beetle
    Wild and Crazy-Baja
    Pure Ice-Beware

  21. Thank you for hosting this Giveaway.
    My 3 favorites are:
    -China Glaze For Audrey
    -Gosh Holographic
    -OPI Tell me about OPI

  22. My top 3 polishes of all time are
    China Glaze II
    China Glaze For Audrey
    Zoya Yasmeen

  23. yay I've been wanting these! Thank you for hosting this giveaway! My top three change a lot but right now the ones I can think of are China Glaze 2nite(this one is always a favorite!), OPI Not Like the Movies, and Revlon Black With Envy.

  24. three fave polishes (tough to choose) ... ozotic 528, opi ds extravagance, opi grape set match :)

  25. First of all, congratulations on 1300 followers! That's very exciting.
    Hrm, so very hard to pick favorites, but I will try.
    Right now, Cult Nails Unicorn Puke, Essie Ruby Slippers, and Orly Space Cadet.
    It could change. :)

  26. were you very excited when you typed this blog post??? you ended up writing bare instead of bear:P

  27. My top 3 nail polishes are:
    essie forget me nots
    essie meet me at sunset
    opi jade is the new black

  28. I love Barry M Bright Purple
    Topshop Parma Violet
    Rimmel I ♥ Green Grass :) x

  29. I think my favourite nail polish is Essence Nail Art special effect topper 02!!

  30. My top 3 polishes- OPI Chapel of Love (being discontinued, so sad) Zoya in Marina (my name and the perfect smoky nail color), and Cult Nails Enigmatic.

  31. Top 3 :)

    17, Parma Violet
    Technic, Moonlight Jade
    Attitude wet top coat, as i use it after every nail session :) at least once a week :)

    Congrats on your followers :) xox

  32. Thanks for the giveaway. I love the Red Alert, Pink Punch and Mushroom from the basic collection :)

  33. My three favourite nail polishes of all time are: Nfu-Oh #65; Claire's Special Brush in red and China Glaze Party Hearty ^__^ I love Christmas nail polishes :P Oh... The first entry I got a bit confused and I didn't know if it was requesting my real name or my follower name so I put my real name and then in the info box I put my follower name. Hope that's ok :/ and thanks for the opportunity ^__^

  34. Congrats on hitting 1,300 and thanks for the giveaway! My 3 favorite polishes would probably be:

    Essie First Dance
    Color Club Fashion Addict
    OPI Parlez-Vous OPI?

  35. This is an awesome giveaway! I love your blog; your photos are just perfect! :)

  36. Those are some absolutely beautiful shades, I really hope I win! I am in love with Emerald black. Congratulations on 1300 followers and a fantastic blog!

  37. My top 3 polishes are probably

    Leighton Denny - Pillow Talk
    OPI - Princesses Rule
    Revlon - Facets of Fuschia

    Thanks so much for the giveaway and congrats on your 1300+ followers!

  38. I go insane over OPI Mad As A Hatter, China Glaze Skyscraper and A England Tristam. Congrats on reaching 1300 followers!

  39. Congrats on 1300 followers
    My favourite 3 polishes would be
    Nails inc - victoria
    OPI - Wacka wacka
    OPI - DS Diamond

  40. My 3 favorites, thats hard!!!
    1-Orly- Fowl Play
    2-Orly- Sweet Peacock
    3-Revlon- Facets of Fuschia
    There you go :)

  41. My top 3 polish are :

    -nº50 irreaplaceable -essence
    -nº78 blue addicted - essence
    -A pink nail polish of hello kitty

  42. OPI Austin-tatious Turquoise!
    Revlon Facets of Fuschia
    Barry M - Raspberry


  43. Wow congrats for your 1300 followers ;) and thank you for this giveaway!
    Well my three favourite nail polishes of all time would be:

    OPI "carribean collection" - mermaids tears
    Gosh - Holographic 549
    China Glaze - for audrey

    ( unfortunatly I don't own this polishes ç_ç, but they are on my wishlist)!!

  44. Rimmel I ♥ Green Grass
    OPI - Princesses Rule
    Revlon Black With Envy

  45. It's a really hard question, because my preferences change all the time, but at the moment I am in love with:

    China Glaze- Eyes like Sapphires
    Revlon- Facets of Fuchsia
    Essie- Ruby Slippers

  46. Congratulations on 1300 followers!! Thanks for the great giveaway.
    My top three favorite polishes are:
    Kleancolor Holo Pink
    Essie Showstopper
    Orly Sweet Peacock

  47. Ooooooh this is super exciting!!!

  48. Hi there! Congrats for the milestone :) Maybe this collection will be part of my favorite nail polish, but for the moment, my favorites are OPI Mad as a hatter, Misa Office Polish-tics, and China Glaze Sea Spray ♥

  49. wow, top 3? That's SO hard! Umm... let's see. LaBoheme... she's probably my fave. Chanel Graphite knocked my socks off, even more than Peridot. And then probably Lynnderella's Connect the Dots. It looks great over everything! :D

    Such an exciting giveaway! :D :D :D :D

  50. Thank you for this giveaway!!
    This is really nice!!
    And congratulations!!

  51. Wow, this is a super amazing giveaway — thank you!

  52. I want these so bad...Oh, gawd how to choose my favorites...OPI Lincoln Park After Dark, NFU Oh 66, Hard Candy Beetle. But this could change.

  53. Amazing giveaway!

    Favorite 3? Hmm.. that's a hard one! I love Orly Sweet Peacock, Sally Hansen Presto Pink, and Orly Star Spangled!

  54. Oh fantastic giveaway

    My 3 favorite polishes are:

    OPI's Wokka Wokka (hope that's spelt right!)
    Gosh Silver (fab for nail art)
    Ciate's Wait Until dark which was a magazine freebe

  55. Amazing!!!! I've been lemming these!!

  56. My favourite nail polishes are:

    1. Barbra Cosmetics - Swiatlo Prosze
    2. Barbra Cosmetics - Vamp Chocolate
    3. Essence - Trendsetter

  57. Essie - Lady Like
    Essence - You belong to me
    OPI - Don't mess with OPI

  58. Essie - Lady Like
    OPI - Don't mess with OPI
    Essence - You belong to me

  59. pinky brown
    purple blue
    aqua violet

  60. Wow amazing giveaway! Congrats on the followers too! =)
    My top 3:
    - Gosh holographic
    - Nfu-Oh 51
    - Ozotic Pro 528


  61. My 3 favs are:
    China Glaze First Mate
    Ozotic 506
    CND Effects Raspberry Sparkle


  62. My top three polishes are:

    Nubar 2010
    LA Splash Golden Seahorse
    OPI DS Temptation


  63. My top 3 are probably
    Tangerine Queen by Rimmel
    White Out by Sally Hansen
    Nfu Oh 65

    :) <3

  64. I love medallion by China glaze! After that I would say Tender Mint by Etude house, and my third is Michael by BB couture

  65. Thanks for the giveaway! My fave 3 are:
    Revlon Facets of Fushia
    China Glaze Medallion
    OPI Divine Swine

  66. deborah lipmann- I know what boys like
    nfu-oh 61
    essence what do u think? (from my own stash)

    I've never had the chance to try the first two, though. But still, from what I see on the internet, they are among my favourites :)

  67. nyx girl's polish in carnival, sour lime and candy glitter are my faves :D

  68. My fave top 3 polishes would have to be....
    Ozotic 528
    Frost Bite
    My Privet Jet (holo)

  69. I like essence polishes so much,so the 3 favs:

    Fairy Berry
    High Waist Pink
    Choose me

  70. My top 3 polishes of all time:
    Zoya Ki
    Deborah Lippmann Happy Birthday
    Gosh Holo

  71. Top 3 favs! :)

    Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure, Essence Choose Me!, and Sinful Colors Nail Junkie!

  72. I love...
    OPI It's MY Year
    Julep Gayle
    and....Essie Da Bush!

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  73. Ok, my top 3 are:
    *For Audrey (China Glaze)
    *Space Cadet (Orly)
    *Intermezzo (Chanel)

  74. I love Orly It's Up To Blue, Picture Polish Marine annnd Glitter Gal Fuchsia

    queen-of-pain at yandex dot com

  75. My Top Three: Essie- Secret Story, Sonia Kashuk - Smoke & Mirrors and China Glaze - Ruby Pumps

  76. Top 3 polishes? thats hard, but I guess I can narrow down some of my faves:

    - fave neon polish for summer : china glaze flip flop fantasy
    - fave glitter : OPI Absolutely Alice
    - fave multichrome : Sally Hansen nail prism, ruby amber

    Thnaks for the great giveaway!!

  77. My top 3 would be: Trophy Wife from Essie, Excuse Moi from OPI and a blush pink shade from Essie

  78. My top three nail polishes of all time are

    China Glaze Fairy Dust
    OPI Silver Shatter E62
    OPI Gold Shatter E60

    GFC Bebe
    Blog http://bebe2003.blogspot.com/

  79. TOP 3

    - OPI Gone Gonzo
    - Revlon's Facets of Fuchsia
    - China Glaze Ruby Pumps

  80. THANK YOU FOR THE GIVEAWAY!!! and congrats on so many followers!!! :D

  81. My top 3 - this is sooo hard!

    China Glaze Ruby Pumps
    Nubar 2010
    ELF Golden Goddess

    I love me some sparkle!

    Hx (NailNewbie)

  82. Mine are :
    1.OPI DS Glamour
    2.OPI Divine Swine
    3.Facets of Fuchsia by revlon

  83. I like
    Essie First Dance
    Color Club Fashion Addict
    China Glaze First Mate

  84. I use Elianto and my fav shades will be Baby Shine,Redwood and Candy Pink :)

  85. OPI NL - That's Hot Pink
    DS - Radiance
    Sonia Santamaria

  86. China Glaze Ruby Pumps, Frost Bite and LA Colors Cotton Candy.

  87. Top three:
    Red Bloody from MAC i forgot the exact polish name
    OPI muppets collection pepe's purple passion
    i think it was NYX marine deep blue color ^^

    btw i love you posts :D


  88. Top three is quite hard! But let's see... Definitely Ahoy! by China Glaze... Then there's Wild at Heart by Color Club... And last but not least, Party Hearty by China Glaze! Perfect for the holiday season. x

  89. i like china glaze and opi the best china glaze has a holiday set right now that is gold and green and red , really nice, but i like pretty much all nail polish as long as it isnt really smelly
    staceyx at telus dot net

  90. My favourites? Oh I know this :D

    China Glaze - For Audrey (BY FAR! This polish is just PERFECT <3)
    GOSH - Holographic (So pretty, I love holographics)
    OPI - Ski Teal We Drop (I know, this is going to sound weird but I don't own this polish yet. I just know I love it. Very strange.)


  91. My favourites - essence - date me, OPI Divine Swine and China Glaze Fairy Dust

  92. Fantastic giveaway lovely colours x

  93. fab blog n fantastic prize the colours are amazing xx

  94. meant to say name is emily o'regan and twitter is pinskhoes076

  95. my favourite nail polish
    1.isa dora black tag graffiti nails
    2.opi fresh frog of bel air luv this one
    3.sally hansen salon effects girl flower not a nail polish but an amazing product as the compliments you get are fantastic n people are amazed that you can do these yourself xx

  96. Zoya Gemma
    Hard Candy Beetle
    China Glaze Fifth Avenue

  97. I only own Zoyas right now, but my favorites are Snow White, Charla, and Trixie.

  98. if i had to pick three favotite polishes, the fist one would defenitely be OPI silver shatter. The second would be gosh holographic, who has just an amazing effect and at last it would be a polish of essence, maybe one of the 'met me at holographics.com' but i'm not really sure about that :)

  99. Fab giveaway - love this collection...

  100. My new favorite, FAVORITE shade is Orly Luxe. I got a pedicure with and and DIED when I found it at Sally's a week later! My two other besties are Revlon Jaded and Orly Green with Envy.

  101. chela says- I love zoya jem, sally hansen hidden treasure, and opi take the center stage

  102. My favourites polishes

    China Glaze - Salsa
    Make Up Store - Greta
    Models own - Mushroom

  103. I'd have to say... Del Sol Ruby Slippers - it's so pretty when it changes colors, Sally Hansen Strobe Light, and Sinful Colors Green Ocean - the last two are so pretty over black!

  104. OPI DS-Original
    China Glaze- Pink Voltage
    Zoya Charla
    great giveaway!!!

  105. favourite polishes at the moment:
    a-england Tristam (you've gotta try this!)
    OPI Ink
    OPI Royal Rajah Ruby

  106. I don't even know if I can pick 3!! lol.

    Sinful Colors - Secret Admirer
    OPI - No Spain No Gain
    OPI - Servin Up Sparkle


  107. I like
    OPI Jade is the new black
    OPI Royal Rajah Ruby
    nick follower:catymariposina

  108. all-time favs/ opi: malaga wine & opi ds: royal. i want HOLOs: silver & blue/purples. any and all! =]

  109. PiCture pOlish: goddes, electric blue, black

  110. Congrats! ;) Thanks for sharing your blessing..

  111. Pinky Brown and Aqua Violet look amazing <3 congrats for reaching so many followers and thank you for the giveaway :)

  112. My favs would have to China Glaze Fairy Dust,Zoya Trixie, and hmmmm ok Opi Divine Swine :) Congrats on your great milestone :)

  113. My top 3 favorite polishes are:

    OPI - Didgeridoo Your Nails
    Essie - Topless & Barefoot
    Model's Own - top turquoise

  114. Chanel Vamp
    Rimmel Lasting Finish in Steel Grey
    And recently, Sally Hansen Bronze Ablaze

  115. Top 3 polishes (I'll probably never own)
    OPI DS Original
    China Glaze DV8
    China Glaze LOL

    Missed them by a year *sigh*

  116. god it's hard to pick three

    OPI DS Desire
    OPI Dear Santa
    Nubar Prize

  117. My favourite nail polishes are Rimmel londond's coralicious, Rimmel London's hot shot, China glaze.. I forget the name :D but it's a really bright hot pink. & I like the white on white one too.

  118. Things I want at least to meet a nail polis fanatic in my state..of Michigan

  119. My fav polishes
    BB Couture Erotic Night
    Opi Russian navy suede
    WnW black creme
    Opi midnight in Moscow
    Loreal caught red handed

  120. My top 3 favourite nail polishes is
    *H&M My favourite jeans
    *Kiko Azzurro Ceruleo
    *Essence Walk of fame

  121. My 3 favorite colours I own are:

    OPI- Jade is the new black (such an easy colour to wear and I have matching earrings!)
    China Glaze- Ghoulish glow (I want to wear it over everything)
    Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear- Pacific blue (such a nice blue!)

    Thanks for the AMAZING giveaway!!

  122. China Glaze For Audrey
    WnW Buffy the Violet Slayer (new version...it grows on you)
    OPI Black Magic Mountain, my favorite since middle school

  123. thnx fOr the lovely giveaway

  124. My favourite polishes at the moment are;
    Maybelline Cosmic Flash
    Maybelline Colourama Ruby Rays
    Revlon Facets of Fuscia

  125. China Glaze - Visions Of Grandeur
    essie - Aruba Blue
    NARS - Saratoga

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  126. I don't have a lot of polishes, but I'll tell you my top three from what I have!

    Sinful Colors - Why Not (beautiful creamy blue)
    Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear - The Real Teal (so dreamy!)
    L.A. Colors - Fireworks (Very pretty pink blue and purple glitter)

  127. My favourites:
    OPI Catch Me In Your Net
    Catrice Iron Mermaiden
    ELF Matte Finisher

  128. Opi bring me the glitter
    and medora of london blue

  129. Víš o nějakým shopu, kde se dají kdyžtak ty MO koupit a posílají do česka?

    A gratuluju k úspěšnýmu blogu a stále přibývajícím followers :)

  130. Well..
    1) OPI so hot it berns
    2) Orly charged up
    3)Maybelline express finish timeless pink
    Email: swordlily_girl@yahoo.com

  131. OPI DS Glamour
    Catrice Iron Mermaiden
    Make Up Store - Greta

  132. I love - Teal by no.7, Not like the movies by OPI and space cadet by ORLY.
    although my favourites change with my moods!

  133. I can't recall the exact names off the top of my head, but my usual go-to's: Black polish (lately Zoya), a glitter polish to go over the black, and Neon polish.

  134. Hi!! Thank you for this contest!! These are GORGEOUS!!

    My top 3 nail polishes are (oh this is hard...as I love them all lol) I would say OPI Teenage Dream, OPI Silver Shatter, and Deborah Lippmann Across the Universe

  135. Hi. These are my nail's best friends:
    1- Essence - Trendsetter
    2- Maybelline Cosmic Flash
    3- OPI - No Spain No Gain

  136. Aqua Violet, Pinky Brown, Purple Blue

  137. Uow, what a lovely giveaway *--*
    I don't have any of the best like OPI, Revlon and China Glaze.
    Thanks for this giveaway !!!
    Cristine Martinez
    GFC: cristmart09

  138. Right now I'm wearing 17 Ruby dazzle.
    I don't think I have a favourite, but I think that if I have to choose it would be Essence Very Berry and KIKO n. 266 and 281.

    I love this giveaway!!

    GFC: Lisetta

  139. My 3 favorite are:

    3. Go go pink (china glaze)
    2. Fancy fucsia (Orly)
    1. Got a secret (Essence)

  140. My Favorites:

    Lincoln Park After Dark Suede (OPI)
    212 - Sephora (OPI)
    Facets of Fuschia (Revlon)

    They`re all so unique, love them all!

  141. My favs
    Pamplona Purple from Opi
    Nouvelle Vague from Chanel
    Schiap from Nars

  142. I'll surely forget about my real favorites, I'm sure!!! XD
    1 - ZOYA - CHARLA
    And a lot more ;P

  143. Amazing giveaway! You're such a sweetheart!

  144. My top 3 favorite polishes are:

    Sally Hansen Xtreme wear in Mint Sorbet
    OPI Miami Beet
    Orly Bare Rose (I wear this on my nails whenever I don't have nail art on, and it just makes them look healthy and gorgeous!)

  145. My top 3 favourite polishes would be OPI Absolutely Alice , Fingerpaints Sapphire Shimmer and OPI Ali's big break.

    They're all so awesome and so hard to find now...
    ( well , for me :] )

  146. Everyone's posting favorites and I don't really know mine!

    Hmm. As of right now, my top colors are:

    Nfu oh 61.
    Sally Hansen mint sorbet.
    Aaaaand all my other colors. XD I can't pick favorites.

  147. OPI Muppet's... China glaze winter collection and Bary M!!

  148. my top three are:

    china glaze - turn up turquoise
    eyeko - cosmic polish
    essence - circus confeti

  149. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!!

  150. Love these polishes and your blog! My fave polish is:

    OPI Ink
    Color Club Revvvolution
    China Glaze Fairy Dust

    The last one is more a top coat, but soooo cute! It's especially good on top of "work" nails.

  151. Oh my gosh, this has been so much fun reading all of these comments, but I'm having the hardest time narrowing my faves down to three. Here goes nothin'! :)
    1. Zoya Roxy
    2. OPI Lincoln Park After Midnight
    3. OPI DS Sapphire

    Thanks!!! :)

  152. My favorite nail polishes as of now are lizard belly by glitter gal, Purple potion by sally Hanson, and nfu oh flakies #51. I kind of like a lot of holos and flashy polishes. lol

  153. Thanks for the giveaway!
    If I had to pick three it would have to be OPI's Mad As A Hatter, Gosh Holographic and H&M Hunt Me Down.

  154. My top three favourite nail polishes of all time are from a Portuguese brand: Andreia 62 (violet), Andreia 111 (bright blue) and Andreia 72 (gold) =)

  155. my top 3 nail polish

    OPI - mad as Hatter
    China glaze - ruby pumps
    skin food pedicure sparkle

  156. My top 3 polishes are...

    Color Club - Too Violet
    Sally Hansen(Nail Prisms)- Turquoise Opal
    OPI - Sparkle-icious

  157. my topppp fav...
    Pinky Brown, Aqua Violet and Purple Blue!

  158. My top 3 nail polishes are:
    1)Chemistry 606
    2)Ozotic 505
    3)Sally Hansen Purple Diamond

  159. Nice giveaway. :)
    I like Andreia, Risqué, Essence, Kiko polishes. Don't have favourites.

  160. my 3 fav polishes are:
    - kiko 241
    - Essence Reach Peach
    - Catrice Forget-Me-Not

    awesome giveaway =D

  161. my favourite nail polishes are_
    - kiko n.319
    - orly "plum noir"
    - arissa "seductive"

    thanks alot 4 this giveaway!!!

  162. I like Sally's HD DVD, Color Club Revvoloution and Hard Candy Beetle. I'm a super huge fan of holo's :-)

  163. LINK TO TOP 3 POLISHES!http://essencecosmetics.tumblr.com/

  164. So hard to pick only 3 polishes!
    -China Glaze "Let's Do It In 3D"
    -China Glaze "Sexagon"
    -Rimmel "Maniac"

    surprise, all 3 are discontinued and HTF :(

  165. Definitely CC's Revvvolution, NOPI Kendall on the katwalk & ChG White cap :)

  166. Great comp, thanks for making it international!!
    Here are my top 3:

    OPI - mermaid's tears
    Butter London - Muggins
    NFU-OH - 64

  167. My favorite polishes:
    - Blue My Mind by H&M
    - Essence Colour&Go Where's the party?
    - Sinful Colors Gold pink

  168. My top 3:
    Opi Pink-a-Doodle
    China Glaze China Glaze Peace on Earth
    MAC Seasonal Peach

  169. Congrats hun!! That is amazing 1300!! WOW!!

    Much Love

    Em (emsmixedbag)


  170. Favorite polishes :

    1) Pastel mauve from "Kiko make up milano", and I add some blue glitter on it for a special sparkle sparkle effect : handmade awesomeness!
    2 ) Mini agnès b. B. életric : a delicious dark blue with a beautiful finish.
    3)Dusty Mauve from Models Own : Most classy nail polish ever.

    A lot of cold colors... But I try to avoid too much hot with my red hairs!

  171. Top three of all time eek! Hard one! I guess Re-Freshmint by China Glaze is high up there for me. Office by American Apparel and Barry M Dusty Mauve (dupe for paradoxal!). Congrats on 1300! xo

  172. My top three favourite nail polishes of all time

    OPI The One that Got Away
    OPI Did it on 'em
    China Glaze Crushed Candy

  173. Aqua Violet, Pinky Brown, Purple Blue! :D

  174. That purpley/reddish one looks AMAZING!

  175. My top three polishes of all time are ButterLondon La Moss, GOSH Holographic, and Nubar 2010. It's so hard to choose just three though!!

  176. My top three polishes ar China Glaze Millenium, OPI DS magic and Chanel Paradoxal

  177. My top three polishes are
    Essie "Need a Vacation"
    Essie "Van D'Go"
    OPI "It's My Year"

  178. OPI- Color to Diner For & Pink-A-Doodle
    GOSH - holographic

  179. I will cheat and mention 4 nail polishes, because I simply can't choose lol

    China Glaze First Class Ticket
    Elf Teal Blue (gorgeous for summer)
    China Glaze Salsa
    China Glaze Rodeo Fanatic

  180. Chanel - Peridot
    Revlon - Starry Pink
    OPI - Lucky Lucky Lavender

  181. OPI - The Show Must Go On & Tinsel Town Red
    Nubar 2010

  182. My top three:
    Lilac Dream
    Peacock green
    Top Turqoise

  183. Top 3 favourite nail polishes ever ever ever would have to include Ciaté Kitten Heels, Barry M Racing Green and China Glaze Strawberry Fields (I hope it doesn;t matter if I include more cause these ones are amazing too!) Barry M Burgundy, GOSH Golden Dragon, China Glaze Cha Cha Cha, Barry M Vivid Purple and GOSH Attitude :P Haha! It's way too hard for me to choose a top 3! Sorry :P xxx

  184. I love:

    Risqué - Viena
    Essence - Midnight rocker
    Andreia - 96

  185. Awesome giveaway! I've been eying that collection for so long!

  186. My favs:
    - Make it gold - Essence
    - Artful - P2 victim
    - Dirty berry - Catrice :D

  187. Oh wow... just three?

    Cult Nail's Power Thief. I don't own it but it's on my hit list of must have polishes. It's a gorgeous navy blue.

    China Glaze's Turned Up Turquoise. It's fun, bright turquoise.

    Sinful Color's Ciao Bella which is a fantastic dark blue on the metallic side.

  188. Hi!!

    My favs are:
    - china glaze for audrey
    - ELF mint
    - China glaze senorita bonita

    I have the public profile. but these days blogger is giving me problems and change it to private, please do not disqualify me, I can send a screenshot or something.


  189. Orly - VIP
    Orly- Goth
    OPI - The One that got away


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