Monday, 24 October 2011

Nicki Minaj Collection by OPI coming in January!

OPI says:
This coming January OPI will be releasing an outrageous Nicki Minaj collection with six mind-blowing hues.

The Nicki Minaj collection consists of a deep shimmering purple Shatter called "Super Bass" and these five Nicki-inspired colors: "Metallic 4 Life", "Save Me", "Fly", "Did It On 'Em" and the bubble gum hue "Pink Friday".


  1. Eeeeek! Love Nicki, I am actually very excited about this collection! x

  2. this collection is so cool!! love the metallic one and the bubble gum pink!

  3. I'd love to try metallic 4 life!!

  4. I saw pics of this collection elsewhere (I can't remember where) and Pink Friday actually looks like a pink/lilac duochrome and less bubblegum pink. So excited for that one!

  5. I have to love this! Nicki Minaj is the bomb yo! For real! :P XD And a nail polish named "Did it on 'em"??? It's a must have, I love that song of hers!

  6. omg the shades are awesome! really love the blue shade! :O x

  7. Wow, they all look awesome! :-)


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