Tuesday, 1 November 2011

OPI Muppets Collection - Excuse Moi!...review and swatches

Hello lovelies!

Oh my, I have here such a beautiful polish today! Hope you'll enjoy the pics! 

Excuse Moi! - beautiful dark pink jelly with different size and colour glitters. There's so many colours that I'm not going to write them all :D I've applied two thicker coats and you can see the coverage in the pictures. I think it's pretty good for a glitter and jelly :) It dried reasonably fast. As most glitters, I had to use a layer of topcoat to make it nice and smooth. This polish is really adorable and I like it the most from all the glitters in the collection :)


  1. Beautiful polish - I would love to try these OPI muppets polishes! x

  2. Já jsem si ale myslela, že ho nepotřebuji, hm. No, uvidíme ;) Z tvých fotek mi přijde kouzelný!

  3. Wow! Love the color. And the speckles are brilliant.


  4. Překrásnej! Wooooooo, asi ho potřebuju :-) Máš to krásně nalakováno a vyfoceno :) Jako vždy :)

  5. Boruvk_a: joo to on je, pricaroval si sourozence, bez kterych nemuze byt ;) Asi dokoupim dalsi barvicky, jsou fakt krasny!

    Markett: Dekujuu :) Komentare od vas holek z Cech me vzdycky moc potesi :)

    Thank you guys, I agree, this polish doesn't need anything else to say other than it's a real beauty!

  6. I like the glitter! xxx


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