Monday, 16 May 2011

My "Checked" manicure with China Glaze and Color Club

I wanted to try Checked mani for a long time and I finally found the time :) I've used China Glaze QT as a base holographic colour and then created different colour squares using a tape. The check colours are intentionally assymetric, I like it better :) The black squares are Color Club Black and silver ones are China Glaze Millennium.

Edit: Yes, it took me few hours and it was a lot of effort :D Do you think it was worth it?

Artificial Light



  1. i love it! :) it must have been very time consuming.

  2. Paulina: Thank you :) Yeah, it took me ages! I had to make sure each layer is completely dry otherwise tape would damage it :-/ but I loved the result :)

  3. Wow, that looks good! But it must have taken you much time... I appreciate the effort.

  4. That looks awesome! I bet you put a TON of work into it!

  5. Markett: Dekuji

    Stickers, Yasmin: Thank you ;) Yeah, it was really time consuming!

  6. Moc pěkné, ale asi bych na to neměla nervy. Minule jsem chtěla zkusit jedno zdobení s pomocí izolepy, ale nechtěla mi vůbec držet na nehtu... vzdala jsem to.

  7. Holey Moley!!! I few hours? It would take me a whole day lol, What effort and it paid off. I would make this a NOTW mani for sure...Very artistic ;D Besos

  8. Peti, zkus bankovni pasku, izolepa je na prd.. blbe lepi a jeste nechava za sebou lepidlo.

    Mikayla:big thanks, what a lovely comment!

  9. uzasna praca!na to by som asi nemala nervy:D

  10. Wow, you did a great job with this!! It shows that you put a lot of time into this, it looks so clean and flawless! I like the colors too, very classy! :)

  11. evie: diky, no taky uz to hodne dlouho opakovat nebudu :D

    Fiona: Thank you :)

  12. Wow, that looks really cool!

  13. Vidíš, to mě nenapadlo, že by ta páska mohla být lepší :-) Díky za tip, koupím a zkusím :-)

  14. Of course it was worth it! Every minute, I assure you! :D

  15. Very pretty -- love the color combination....


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