Sunday, 5 June 2011

Models Own Smash-Up Silver crackling polish over China Glaze Life Preserver

Hello everyone :) I have got one more swatch of Models Own Silver crackling polish (reviewed here). I've applied it over China Glaze Life Preserver which I've reviewed here. I like the result, the colours go really nice together. It again applied very easily and dried really fast.

Artificial light


  1. I love cracking nail polishes and silver one is really must have :D

  2. Teda dobrej - zdá se mi daleko hezčí než Silver Shatter od OPI - máš jej taky na srovnání?

  3. With love, Ana: Yeah, it looks really lovely...there's only dilemma if OPI, Models Own or any other :)

    rock-or-not: thank you!

    Dashulka: to mne se teda vic libi OPI Shatter, ale bohuzel srovnani nemam :(


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