Saturday, 12 November 2011

Readers' Request: Christmas manicure

Hello lovelies,

I had a LOT of requests for the Xmas mani so I''ve tried one :) it is not a big artistic creation but I tried :D

I've used OPI Crown Me Already (silver), Pumpkin polish (green) and red Pumpkin polish. The silver stamping is with China Glaze Millennium.


  1. Wow!
    This manicure is so pretty!
    Ready for Christmas!

  2. So sparkly! Gorgeous nails!


  3. óhhh very nice i love nail art!!

  4. Carolina: Thank you ;) Had so many requests for Xmas mani that I just had to create one :)

    Lauren-Ella: Thank you lovely ;)

    Lucy: thank you and stay tuned for more nail art :)

  5. Yay, it's never too early to show Christmas nails! :) Great mani!

  6. OH!!!! I was so happy when I saw this manicure 'cause I was one of those who asked you to do a X-mas manicure! ^__^ I started singing a christmas song right away and everyone told me to shup up (people around me have something against x-mas songs except my mother). I adore this manicure! Thank you :)

  7. Tak to je asi nejkrásnější vánoční manikúra, kterou jsem viděla!

  8. Pauline - omgnoodles: thank you!;)

    Akuma Kanji: yay, I'm so glad you like it! I'm not very experienced in xmas manis though. And about xmas-I like it but I'm not very keen on the songs either...I guess it's because my childhood, we never really listened to them..

    yesiwantyouback: thank you lovely :)

    sonidlo: no to neee :D To mas jenom kratkou pamet :) Krasnych vanocnich manikur se vzdy kazdy rok vyroji tolik..vsak pockej zitra-na GlossyBoxu zverejni soutez a mam tam GlossyBox te jsem se vyradila! Pak to hodim sem na blog is fotkou a budu zebrat o hlasy :D :D

  9. Krásné! Nejvíc se mi líbí ukazováček :)

  10. Mina: jooo, to me taky, ten se povedl nejlip :D dekuju za komentar ;)

  11. This is wonderful! :) Loooveee it! :D

  12. I want this done for Xmas!! X


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